@Malachy post muh trap card https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Voyager_Conspiracy
Meh, I'm just jealous damn my bad eyes and singular wit/focus... also peeved at tight bindings
I'm rly fucked now; made an account at a conservative libertarian/financial site, where the comments are phenomenal... still appreciate the to/fro of the NG BBS but the IRL stakes are higher, warrant attention etc
Where have all the voracious readers of NG gone? (cue old van halen song)
Got a marine mechanic in FL as a race buddy.. couldn't tell from talking to him, but he read damn near as many as you. Ate the modern classics as well as allah Halo. Dunno why I mentioned it, maybe I have faith
I dunno but some of the guys in the reading challenge thread read way more than me